Just loved this post from
Tina Biggers(re-posted with permission):
The value of a thank you card has more power than most will fully understand. People tend to keep them for the visual reminder of how you made them feel. It's not so much what you say, but the feelings that you invoke when they read it. In general, our society seems to be quickly moving away from the handwritten word.
Most people enjoy receiving the handwritten card, but few actually do it themselves for other people. Every time you make a personal connection, you are networking. When someone goes the extra mile for you, send him a card. But when you send that thank you card remember to never, ever include your business card! The thank you card should be all about your gratitude, and never about pushing your business on someone who has not asked for it. The minute you include your business card, it becomes all about YOU and not the other person.
When loan signings started to drop off, I started another business that helps people to target market. Become an Appreciation Specialist and watch your businesses grow.