Monday, February 9, 2009

Objects Are Smaller Than They Appear

Driving through Ypsilanti last week, I couldn't resist snapping a picture of the world renowned water tower. If you can't tell what it's famous for, you're not paying attention.

The world's most phallic building.


Anonymous said...

The lightening rods or whatever they are, and the 'shooting star' at the top are just the most hilarious touch ...

Alex Y. said...

Whoever designed the tower had to know what they were doing, right? Or did they build it, look up at the finished product, and think "oh my, what did we just do?"

Anonymous said...

I dunno, Alex. C Students? How could a company put their initials on their product, put their product at check-out stations in nearly every grocery store where everyone will absolutely see them - the little scan-pads where you scan your card and sign your name - and the initials are: P.O.S., Inc.