It's your FICO score, but you're no longer allowed to see it. Although the FICO score is used by 90% of the largest U.S. lenders in determining whether or not you qualify for a mortgage, Experian has decided that your score is none of your business.
Experian has backed out of its agreement with
myFICO.com, which had been the only place where consumers could get their true FICO scores (other scores, such as the Experian's PLUS or VantageScore are not true FICO scores and use different formulas). Of course lenders still have full access to your FICO score. How can a score that lenders use
extensively to evaluate credit worthiness be kept from consumers? At a time when it already seems like a Herculean task to even qualify for a mortgage, this is a slap in the face to consumers trying to stay afloat.
Want to call Experian corporate headquarters and let them know what you think? Here you go: