Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Michigan Ponzi Schemes

If you receive a call from any of these 11 people asking you to invest in a can't miss get rich investment, RUN FORREST, RUN!

From MLive: The Scam List

John Bravata: Billionaire Boys Club (stole $53 million from investors)

David McQueen: The 'diversified' companies

Dante DeMiro: Municipal scheme (he raked in money from schools and local governments)

Michael Winans Jr.: Saudi oil bonds (from the Winans gospel family - used his famous name and connections to bilk local clergy out of $11 million)

Mark Carpenter: All for God (if you can't beat em, join um - got scammed by Winans, and decided to join in)

Martin Royster: 240 percent returns (well, if you're foolish enough to believe in 240% returns, maybe you don't deserve your money)

Scott Pionk: A gambling man (when he said he was going to invest his clients' money, he apparently meant at the craps table)

Roger Clark: 'Successful advisor'

Raymond Joseph: Personal expenses 

Richard Johnson: For charity (investors thought they were buying products that benefited charities)

Rita and Richard Gosselin: On the run (any relation to Kate?)

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