So on to the iPhone. Holy Toledo! This is one remarkable piece of technology. I remember how I felt the first time I bought an HDTV. I stayed up all weekend watching anything and everything. Tennis, and fishing, and nature shows, and infomercials. I was mesmerized. I feel that way again. E-mails are crystal clear, the calendar is arranged perfectly, visual voicemail is soooooo cool, web browsing is quick and limitless, contacts are a breeze to scroll through, the Google Map based GPS is easy to follow, and oh yeah, the phone is pretty nifty too. There are hundreds of apps that can be downloaded for free or cheap for additional functionality or fun. Banking, stocks, sports, music, all at the touch of a button. I'm completely hooked. Un iPhone avant tout le monde!
I had a couple of lousy Pocket PC phones. When I was finally unable to do anything with the last "brick" I owned, I really wanted an iPhone. However, AT&T has extremely poor service around here and it was just not an option. (I think Verizon made a huge mistake passing on that deal)
I ended up getting a VX6900 (the HTC Touch) with Window Mobile 6.0. It was a huge improvement! It is still not an iPhone (*sigh*), but it has been very reliable, better battery life, and the images are crystal clear. They have even improved on the email, allowing for HTML and the text is much clearer.
Do I still wish I could get an iPhone? Sometimes... but I am happy with my Windows Mobile 6.0 phone and it is a decent alternative for those who can't get decent AT&T service.
AT&T has a pretty bad reputation here as well. But heck, Verizon was supposed to have the best network and the best customer service and it turned out to be a two year nightmare. For those of us who have gaming consoles, we've learned that it's not about the box, it's about the games. Similarly, I decided it's not about the network or service, it's about the phone itself. So I took the leap. It couldn't get any worse. So far so good. The phone has been great and every day I discover another cool feature or two. Ok, I'll shut up now. Not trying to rub it in.
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