Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Forbes - Thanks But No Thanks

Friday, June 20, 2008
Quicken Loans Cuts 250
FBI Cracks Down Hard On Mortgage Fraud

Mortgage lenders.
Real Estate Agents.
(Hmm, no notaries?)
In a widespread crackdown on mortgage fraud, federal authorities indicted hundreds of individuals spanning a multitude of occupations in an attempt to allay fears and protect home buyers from predatory lenders. In addition, two former Bear Sterns fund managers who sold mortgage-backed investments were also arrested on conspiracy and securities fraud charges. The indictments come in the wake of allegations regarding democratic Senators Christopher Dodd and Kent Conrad, who received cut-rate home loans from Countrywide. The indictments also follow high profile arrests in Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, & Miami as part of Operation Malicious Mortgage.
“It makes clearer that the causes of the credit problems are very broad-based and can’t be put at the feet of one player,” said Mark Zandi, senior economist at Moody’s
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Will Lehman Brothers Be Bailed Out Next?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
MBA - Treat Mortgage Bankers & Mortgage Brokers Differently

According to the MBA report, “Because broker compensation is directly tied to a loan’s interest rate and brokers lack an ongoing financial stake in loan performance, brokers have a high incentive to get loans closed, maximize fees for origination, and move on to their next transaction.”
Friday, June 6, 2008
Alternative Income - Merchandising

Merchandisers assist manufacturers in setting up anything from coupon displays, magazines, books and cards to impulse buying and POP stands. There are thousands of products and hundreds of companies that need to hire Independent Merchandisers to replenish the stock in their displays.
If you're looking for supplemental income, these extensive lists can be purchased for a nominal fee from her website.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
RESPA Reforms - Comments Extended
HUD Releases Report On Closing Costs

People who got loans through brokers paid $300 to $425 more in closing costs than those who got them directly from lenders.
African Americans paid an additional $415 and Latinos paid an extra $365 on average.
Borrowers in neighborhoods where all adults have a college education are charged $1,100 less than borrowers in neighborhoods where no adults have a college education.
For those who need some bedtime reading material, the 270 page report can be downloaded at
Monday, June 2, 2008
What's Covered Under Errors & Omission Insurance?