Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Adding A Map Function To Outlook

Live Search Maps for Outlook allows you to view and print maps directly from Outlook. If you use Outlook for your daily scheduling, this add on is incredible convenient and can save you time. After you've added an appointment on your Outlook calendar, click on the location tab (the address carries over from the location bar). In the "start location" box, enter your home address and save it (you won't have to enter it in the future). Select "get directions," and Outlook pulls up directions, a map, and estimated drive time. You can print directly from Outlook (it's an abbreviated map and sometimes a little difficult to read) or choose "Explore this location in Live Search Maps." This immediately jumps you to Live Search Maps, with all the information already added and mapped out. A history of prior addresses is saved in Outlook, so if your route changes or you need to map from one appointment to the next, just use the drop down button to pull up prior entries.

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